The KRÉTA system is familiar to most users as an administrative interface, but it also has a number of features that are very useful for students and teachers alike. One of these is the Foreign Language Preparation Module (IFM), which provides a playful way to help children learn languages at their own level, from primary to advanced, thus providing free language learning. The module can also be useful for those preparing for language exams, as well as for younger students who are still a long way from their A-levels and exams but who want to learn the language in depth. Zoltán Miholics (Head of Curriculum Development and Methodology), said that the thousands of lessons available focus on video content, tailored to the needs of young people, which at the same time expand vocabulary, improve pronunciation and develop speaking and grammatical skills.
As a language teacher, Zoltán Miholics and his colleagues were confronted with the need to incorporate a new approach to teaching methods due to distance learning, of which online applications were an essential part. According to the teacher, although such applications had been used in the past, they suddenly became more necessary and indispensable.
Soon after, the language teacher from Pécs was introduced to the Hungarian app at a training session, and had the opportunity to test it in the school as part of a cooperation.
"I really loved it, not only myself, but also my colleagues and most importantly my students, so I was delighted to learn that they were working with KRÉTA on how to integrate the app into Hungarian public education. As a result of this, the Foreign Language Preparation Module, or IFM, was actually created." he pointed out.
According to Zoltán Miholics, although most people still know the KRÉTA system as an administrative system where teachers send messages to parents and enter grades, more and more students and teachers are getting to know and like the free language learning and teaching opportunities. Not surprisingly, there is an unparalleled wealth of resources available to learners, fully aligned with the requirements of the national curriculum.
Children learn languages without even realizing it.
The IFM's head of professional services said that the application currently offers primary and secondary school students in Hungary English and German: the former up to the level of the higher level language exam, the latter up to the level of the higher level matura. The interface of the module for teachers allows you to filter and assign lessons by language level, subject, or even by the National Curriculum's subject areas per grade.
"The playful app encourages the user to keep working with it. Tailored to the needs of young people, video content is at the heart of the lesson sets, providing up-to-date, informative content in real-life situations. In total, 13 levels of language learning are included in the app, with two to three levels corresponding to a language level. Each level is grouped around five themes, within which 10 to 12 groups of lessons are identified. The app first teaches the students key expressions and their pronunciation in a playful way, so that they are no longer completely unfamiliar with the video material." he said.
Once the student has watched the video, interactive exercises ask about its content, the meaning of the expressions learnt, followed by a language practice lesson. In addition, a chatbot can be used to initiate conversational situations related to the topic, giving the learner the opportunity to talk to a shop assistant, a doctor or a taxi driver, depending on the topic.
Each unit takes on average three to seven minutes to complete, so a group of lessons can be completed in 30-40 minutes. However, the app is so interactive that students feel it is more like a game than a must-have, and even students who are a little behind on the curriculum can make huge improvements unnoticed while using the app.