Whether you are a free or PRO user, currently you can learn English, German, Spanish, French, Hungarian and  10 additional English for specific purposes (ESP) in Xeropan, which are:

  • Academic,
  • Business,
  • Medical, 
  • Legal, 
  • Tourism and Hospitality, 
  • IT, 
  • Technical, 
  • Engineering, 
  • Catering, 
  • Veterinary

If you want to switch between the languages you are learning, follow these few steps:

  • Via app: Clicking on the flag icon in the 'learning' tab, or by going to my profile.
  • Via web: Languages (top right corner, the flag icon) →  Language courses →  Save changes
  • You can select Specialized language you want to learn by clicking on the English →  Specialized language courses.


    Ready to start learning a new language? Learn English, Spanish, French, German or Hungarian! Boost your career or studies with Business, IT, Legal, and 8 other specialized language courses!