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Article suggestions
Featured articles
3 articles
How can someone become a PRO user?
Business English: what is it worth knowing?
IT English: what is it worth knowing?
Introduction and basic information
6 articles
What languages does Xeropan teach?
What are the benefits of being a long-time loyal user? 12 months free PRO membership for those who joined Xeropan before March 2021!
What innovations will the new version of Xeropan bring in 2024?
How does Xeropan help you learn languages successfully?
What is the story of Xeropan and who are the characters?
What is Xeropan?
User information
6 articles
What progress can be achieved after 1 year of learning with Xeropan?
What language skills are recommended to start Xeropan with?
From what age can Xeropan be used?
What do you need to know about user reviews?
What are the conditions of use of Xeropan?
New AI conversation lessons 2.0
Xeropan basics
6 articles
Are the levels in the app the same as in the language exams?
How to create and why is it useful to link a Xeropan profile to an account?
How to use the Xeropan app? Part 1: 'Learn' tab
How to use the Xeropan app? Part 2: 'Practice' tab
Where to start learning?
What is a Guest Time Traveller?
KRÉTA IFM: Foreign Language Preparation Module
5 articles
What is IFM (Foreign Language Preparation Module)?
How can I use the IFM system as a student?
How can I use the IFM system as an educator?
History of IFM
Can IFM's system be used as a parent?
NEPTUN module: Xeropan in higher education
9 articles
What is the Xeropan NEPTUN module, and what does it offer students?
How to access the NEPTUN module on mobile?
How can students access the NEPTUN module via a mobile browser?
How to access the NEPTUN module for students in a browser?
What happens if a student already has an active PRO subscription or profile?
What to Do If There Is No Compatible Xeropan App for Your Device?
How can the NEPTUN module be used by university instructors?
How to switch from mobile to web or web to mobile in the NEPTUN module?
View all articles in “NEPTUN module: Xeropan in higher education”
The learning process and learning materials
5 articles
How can you add words to ‘your saved words'?
How can you 'level up' if the curriculum is too easy?
What learning materials are available in Xeropan?
How does word learning work, what does a strong or weak vocabulary mean?
How is the Xeropan curriculum structured?
Specialized language courses
10 articles
Business English: what is it worth knowing?
Engineering English: what is it worth knowing?
IT English: what is it worth knowing?
Technical English: what is it worth knowing?
Legal English: what is it worth knowing?
Medical English: what is it worth knowing?
Academic English: what is it worth knowing?
Tourism and Hospitality English: what is it worth knowing?
View all articles in “Specialized language courses”
Useful features and settings
12 articles
Is it possible to learn more languages?
Is it possible to continue your studies if you change devices?
How can you switch between the languages you learn?
How can I change the language of the app?
How to invite friends?
How to get a Xeropan certificate?
What is the Weekly Competition?
Can two people log in from the same device?
View all articles in “Useful features and settings”
Xeropan PRO subscriptions and free content
11 articles
How can I try the PRO package for free?
What content is available for free?
How much do PRO subscriptions cost and what plans are available?
How can someone become a PRO user?
What is the difference between Xeropan free and PRO?
What can you unlock with a subscription?
How can I change my subscription package?
How can I check if I have an active subscription?
View all articles in “Xeropan PRO subscriptions and free content”
Billing, payment and cancellation
13 articles
How can I cancel my subscription?
What happens if the 7-day trial period is not canceled before the card is charged?
How to renew an expired subscription?
How does the 7-day trial period work?
Right of withdrawal for European countries: What is the right of withdrawal?
How to pay?
Why is the PRO subscription not activated, what should I do?
Why has the payment failed?
View all articles in “Billing, payment and cancellation”
Xeropan web
5 articles
Can I use the same profile on the web as on my phone?
Does Xeropan work the same on phone and web?
Can I switch between phone and web at any time?
What is Xeropan Web?
How do I switch to silent mode?
Settings and security
7 articles
What can be done if the speech recognition function does not work?
How to turn on slowed audio?
How can I unsubscribe from emails?
How to delete an account?
How to start learning all over again?
How much data does Xeropan use?
How can I log out?
3 articles
What to do if there is an error in Xeropan?
What should I do if I receive a network error message?
What to do if there is not enough storage space?
Case studies and success stories
3 articles
Case study: Driving workforce excellence through Xeropan’s language training solutions
Case study: Elevating language education in Hungarian Public Schools
Case study: Empowering higher education with specialized language training